Wellbeing Support Tool
The Wellbeing Support Tool has been developed by David Bartlett, head of Pear Tree Projects. This is a school for students with special needs. The school works with children with severe social needs, such as bullying, exploitation and abuse.
The Wellbeing Support Tool is offered free to schools. It is particularly well suited to mainstream schools with particularly challenging students who may need professional support but who are not able to access the support they need.
The tool helps schools to assess the individual needs of individual students. It was developed to help all schools identify specific issues that the student may need to address. The tool is founded on values-based principles. It provides extensive suggestions and the school offers in-person support where needed.
How the tool works
The tool assesses two areas, Personal Holistic Competence and Values. It breaks the competencies down into over 170 issues within 11 personal sections such as health, emotional and behavioural development, identity and family, and social relationships. The assessment then establishes a series of "marginal gains" which have been proven to be successful.
For a fuller explanation, click the link below:
Accessing the Tool
The tool, which is free to schools, asks a number of carefully designed questions to help schools assess the state of a student's mental health in a variety of domains. The form can be completed by teachers, foster carers or social workers.
The tool then sends a report with the assessment and a series of suggestions about how to manage any issues.
Schools with particularly challenging students are welcome to contact Pear Tree Projects for free support.
To access the free tool, click here: www.onlinephc.com
For in-person support, click here: www.ukphc.com/contact-us/
Research Findings
Independent research was carried out. It examined how effective the tool was in improving the wellbeing of students, with a particular empahsis on students with significant emotional challenges. The research found that statistically significant changes to children’s global wellbeing can be meaningfully captured using the tool's marginal gains informed measure.
The research and its findings can be downloaded from the link below.
Instruction Video
The video on the left is an instruction video that both offers an illustration of how the system works and offers instruction for its use. You can click its "maximise" box in the bottom right hand corner to see the video in full size.
Alternativel, you can click the link below to see the video directly.